Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Blog Posting Schedule

Susan has a lot going on right now with trying to make some healthy lifestyle changes and preparing for the adoption process.   She will post on here whenever she can, but you are stuck with me for little bit.....bwah ha ha.  One thing you need to know about me:  I am major planner.  I don't always follow through with my plan, but I love to have one to deviate from, so I have come up with a schedule for the types of posts you can expect from the blog each day.

Monday: Healthy recipes - This will begin the following week because I am already working on a recipe tomorrow for chocolate chip cookies that one person described as "I want to rub them all over my body because they are so good."

Tuesday: Trivia - I will come up with a food or housekeeping related question and the first correct responder will get to choose a recipe for me to make for a future post.

Wednesday: Tips for feeding a crowd - I have house church on this night where I plan a dinner menu for about 30 adults and children.

Correction:  This will now be "Three Favorites" - I will share three things I love with you.

Thursday: Sweet treats - Recipe write ups for all kinds of desserts, but mostly cupcakes and cookies since they are my passion right now.

Friday: Main dishes - This will be some of my favorite main dishes I make for dinner or special lunches.

Saturday: Meal planning - Every week I have a menu plan, I will just share it with you to give you ideas for your own family's dinners for the week.

Sunday:  Personal - These could be a story to help you get to know me better, a life lesson I learned during the past week or just something personal I would like to share with you all.

Susan and I are so excited about this blog and thank you for taking the time to read and comment.  We LOVE hearing from you and watching our page views grow.  Don't forget to share our ideas on Pinterest and Facebok if you find something helpful!